revision over my views -December 31 2005

I’m continuing my reading today and I’ve encountered new perspectives over a few things. I’ve got the feeling that I am myself not being fair in my judgments and views. I am too bias on the side that I think is right when the fact is that there are always two sides of everything. Referring to what I’ve written on the biography of Robert F. Kennedy, yes, to me he was still one of the charismatic man in American history. His family background was still considered as remarkable to me. But that is my point of view merely as an observer. He was great in the sense that he had passion for justice (as he understood it) , the way he stood for what he believed , the path that he had taken when he was young and the fact that he was an ordinary youth in his time but he rose against the odds to be what American considered as ‘might have been this century’s greatest presidency’. if it would ever be…

I like the fact that his father, Joseph Kennedy was definitely against the world war. He laughed at the idea of America as the police of the world. No, he didn’t laugh like what we do at Senario’s stupid jokes. They were intellectual’s remarks and laughs which were different. I’m not going to talk about this as I am myself not good at political history but let just conclude that he was one of those rare 1940’s people that believe in peace as a way out of problems. However I am quite annoyed knowing that they sympathized with Jews and that the young Kennedy saw the uprising of Jews in Palestine as something positive and should be followed by Jews oppressed by Nazi. It was an opinion anybody with brain would do at the moment. After all, he wasn’t a Muslim. How could he think otherwise? Our hatred towards jews nowadays is mostly because we are Muslims and that they are terrorizing our brothers and sisters in Palestine. I don’t see reason for me to comment on this. It will not bring justice to both sides (Kennedy’s and our’s).

There is a quotation from Joseph Kennedy that I would like to share. It is thought provoking as I feel it is; “we cannot dominate the world, but we can make ourselves too expensive to conquer. War at any time would be hideous. At present or in the foreseeable future war would wreck our present civilization”. it was the words of a civilized person , I would say. Not like bush or Blair, for sure.

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